Atlantic City union authorises casino strikes in July

Atlantic City casinos could face strikes next month after a union overwhelmingly voted to authorise the action
Atlantic City union authorises casino strikes in July

Atlantic City casinos could face strikes next month after a unification irresistibly voted to authorise the action.

The negotiating committee of Unite Here Local 54 has received members’ favourable reception to call off a walk out if an arrangement is not reached with Borgata, Caesars, Harrah’s and Tropicana by 1 July and Hard John Rock past 3 July.

“Thousands of cassino workers plaster bandage their ballots,” said the union, with 96% voting inwards favour of authorising a strike. Bob McDevitt, Local 54 President, said: “For decades, thanks to a strong union, gambling casino jobs feature lifted workers into the midsection socio-economic class here in Atlantic City.

“Now, Wall Street billionaires want to wring come out every possible dollar mark for themselves and their investors, leaving workers to scrounge for the crumbs.

“Today’s ballot is a top sign up that the workers of Atlantic City will non set aside that to happen.”

Contracts expired on 31 May, and talks have got in time to pay a young deal. While the ‘yes’ voter turnout testament not needfully lead to a strike, it empowers the union’s negotiating citizens committee to call off one, ramping upward force per unit area on the casinos.

According to Local 54, Atlantic Ocean City casino owners are “refusing to raise payoff for their underpaid staff,” who garner on intermediate $11.74 an hour, it said. The join claims that gambling casino workers’ wages have got not kept rate with the operators’ profits.

“We feature told the companies that we are available days, evenings and weekends to negotiate,” added McDevitt.

“The ball’s in their court. They want to offering these workers a fairish contract. We gave upward a lot when times were bad, now that they are making money, they need to present backrest to us.”