Failed Biloxi Casino Project Land Worth $28M Donated To Charity

A Biloxi real landed estate developer has decided to donate some 30 acres of earth he intended to build a cassino on to a local charity.

Chris Ferrara is ace of the largest landowners inwards the MS Gulf Coast town. The Sun Herald reports that the man of affairs began snagging up properties east of I-110 shortly after Hurricane Katrina inwards 2005.

One portion he acquired was 30 acres, placed just now northwards of Back Bay Blvd. betwixt Crawford Street and Oak Street. Ferrara proposed constructing a $260 1000000 gambling casino resort hotel on the land. But the development ne'er came to realization because of a legion of reasons, to the highest degree specifically road access.

Ferrara has officially folded on his casino ambitions and has made the determination to make out just with the property. Instead of one-armed bandit machines and tabularize games, the man of affairs has bestowed the lot to the Boys and Girls Club of the Gulf Coast. The acreage is valued at $28 million.

I did it genuinely to facilitate the Boys and Girls Club,” Ferrara told the Sun Herald. “They can buoy get along what they want to fare with it.”

The Gulf Coast Boys and Girls organisation workings to modification the lives of children and teens inwards a safe, positive, and piquant environment. The chapter is headquartered inward Gulfport.

Too Far sour the Beaten Path

Ferrara received land site favourable reception for a gambling casino from the Mississippi Gaming Commission some 15 years ago. But Ferrara ne'er stony-broke ground, saying he wouldn’t until the Orient Biloxi Loop was completed from his prop southward to Palace Casino and Golden Nugget.

The eastern United States Biloxi Loop currently stops along Back Bay Blvd at Oak Street. Back Bay’s unfinished continuation SE is credited for the Margaritaville Casino’s gag law inwards 2014. The route telephone extension has been estimated to cost $22 trillion to complete.

Ferrara had pledged to donate needful shore to build the road, and Biloxi cassino operators were to kick in $7 million. The Mississippi River Development Authority approved allocating $5 one thousand thousand to the substructure initiative, leaving $9 gazillion unfunded.

The $9 gazillion problem kept Ferrara’s soil sour the beaten path. The Boys and Girls Club now controls the $28 one thousand thousand property, but it doesn’t come cheap. Ferrara paid some $75,000 inward holding taxes in conclusion year unaccompanied on the acreage.

East Biloxi Dead Zone

Beau Rivage, Hard Rock, and Golden Nugget donjon the Gulf Coast shoring bustling. IP Casino and Boomtown enticement plenitude of visitors to the due north bay by beingness just turned I-110.

The northeasterly discussion section of Biloxi, however, continues to struggle. Ferrara folding on his casino dreams is yet another setback for the desolate area.

Prior to the pandemic, legendary bikers KISS announced a partnership with a developing grouping to build a $200 million cassino resort hotel at the former Margaritaville Casino. The cast called for a 300-room hotel and cassino floor featuring 1,000 one-armed bandit machines and several dozen table games.

COVID-19 stalled the KISS development. No put to work has been through on the site, and the dimension owners have non obtained relevant nation permits to establish the gambling casino resort.

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