OJ Simpson Got No Payout from Cosmopolitan in Defamation Case, Court Docs Show

The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas “settled” for nothing inwards a recent defamation display case brought past OJ Simpson.

That’s according to homage documents related to effectual litigate taken past Daffo Goldman’s father, Fred Goldman. The Emma Goldman home had sought-after(a) to recoup any compensation the former football game running back up mightiness get received from the Strip casino.

Ron Goldman was killed on with Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole John Brown Simpson, inwards June 1994. While the former star was not guilty of their murders, he was later found liable for Goldman’s dying at a polite trial run and ordered to compensate the phratry $33.5 jillion inwards damages.

To date, he has paid $132,849.53, patch the amount owed has accumulated an duplicate $25 billion inward interest.


Simpson sued the Strip cassino inward 2019, ii years after he was released from a Nevada prison house for armed robbery. He claimed hotel workers had defamed him past telling TMZ he’d been prohibited for being “drunk and disruptive”

The claims were ostensibly false, as Simpson took tests for drugs and alcoholic beverage the twenty-four hour period after the alleged incident as parting of his word of honor conditions, and passed.

Had he been found to experience breached those conditions, he could have got ended upwards inward prison for another 24 years.

Simpson, who has lived inward Las Vegas since his release, claimed he had been the dupe of “malice and racial prejudice.”

Pointing to his effectual history, lawyers for the Cosmopolitan argued that it couldn’t get damaged Simpson’s reputation because it was already tarnished beyond repair. They said casinos hold the effectual right on to boot out anyone they want.

‘No Money Changed Hands’

The 2 parties settled the compositor's case come out of judicature inwards Mar 2020 for an undisclosed sum. At the same time, Goldman filed a motility asking that the proceeds from the settlement follow paid straight past the Cosmo to Goldman’s lawyers, which was granted.

On Tuesday, a Las Vegas adjudicate recognised the casino’s statement that it owed naught to the Goldmans because the undisclosed total in the resolution was incisively zero.

“No money changed hands between the two,” the try said in royal court documents seen by 13 Action News.

The Cosmopolitan has asked to follow exculpated of any futurity legal activity related to the case.

In 2018, before he filed the suit, Simpson’s attorney was threatening the gambling casino with a $100 million lawsuit. That was later revised to $30,000, positive damages.