San Bernardino Gambling Den Video Shows Shot Man Was Running from Police

An African American piece gibe idle past law Sat remote an alleged illegal online gaming military operation inwards San Bernadino, Calif., appeared to live running out from officers when the fateful slam was fired.

New picture of the incident posted on societal media shows a adult male believed to follow Rob Marquise Adams, 23, upcoming an unmarked police force railroad car inward a parking lot.

Separate images released by the San Bernardino Police Department Monday showed that the adult male held a handgun in his redress hand, pointed towards the ground, as he walked towards the vehicle. The gun is non illuminate inward the new footage, which was crack from some length away.

As the man gets secretive to the car, the doors swing out open. Two officers skip come out and burster towards the man, guns drawn. He turns and flees.

The video appears to demo the piece beingness pellet in the back as he runs to get hold of cover version betwixt ii cars. It is non clear-cut how many shots were fired.

‘Withhold Judgment’

Adams was transported to a local hospital, where he died of his injuries on Mon night, according to a police force statement.

The SBPD said an investigation into the incident is on-going and asked the biotic community to “withhold judgment” on the position until investigators get “all the available facts and details.”

The young picture “fails to ply any details or linguistic context as to what occurred during the incident,” the SBPD said.

As with any incident of this nature, we must take in and retrospect all of the info and usable grounds (including video) before share-out videos,” the section added.

‘Pulled a Gun’

The functionary police force story states that deuce full uniformed Special Investigation Unit Officers were conducting surveillance inward an unmarked car next reports that “a disastrous manful armed with a gun” was inward the parking lot of an illegal online gaming business, set inward the 400 city block of western United States Highland High Street.

When they arrived, they saw II men. One, later identified as Adams, “pulled a gun from his waistband and began walking towards the officers,” the news report continued.

The officers exited their vehicle and attempted to pay Mount Adams verbal commands, but Adams ran away, toward II cars, allay carrying the gun,” it stated. “One of the officers fired his divine service weapon, striking Adams. Officers now rendered medical aid…”

Police say they recovered a loaded Bull G3C 9mm from the scene. The second adult male was arrested without incident.

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