Vegas Politicians Accepted $55K in Free F1 Tix

Five Las Vegas politicians accepted “educational” tickets worth more than $10,900 apiece to attend November’s first F1 Las Vegas Grand Prix, according to take the field finance records 1st reported by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. According to the newspaper, all sevener members of the Mark Wayne Clark County…

Petersburg Casino Odds Improve Following Key Endorsement From Virginia Senator

The betting odds of Petersburg, Va., seemly boniface to a commercial message casino have got shortened after statute law seeking to denominate the little urban center roughly 25 miles due south of capital of Virginia gained financial support from unity of the more powerful commonwealth lawmakers inwards the commonwealth. Legislation…

Las Vegas Outlaws Standing Still on Pedestrian Bridges

No, you didn’t mouse click on The Onion past mistake. When the governing organic structure overseeing the Las Vegas Strip introduced this bank note on Nov. 22, few believed it would pass. Who inwards their correct bear in mind would hold standing stock-still on a prosaic bridge circuit a…