Brazil’s Sports Betting, iGaming Bill Survives Senate Committee With Lower Tax Rate

Brazil’s Senate has unclogged whatever was keeping the country’s sports betting measure from moving forward. On Wednesday, the chamber’s Economic Affairs Committee (CAE, for its Portuguese acronym) approved a project that regulates and taxes the sports betting and online casino market. The proposition establishes rules for the…

Pennsylvania House Health Committee Likely to Forward Bill to Ban Casino Smoking

The Keystone State House Health Committee is expected to liberty chit legislation Wednesday morn that would require the state’s gambling casino floors to depart exclusively smoke-free. The House Health Committee fields statute law impacting public health. Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny) chairs the committee and, for the endorse sequential year,…

Casino Industry’s Potential Impact of Federal Bill Seeking to Alter Credit Card Fees

Federal legislating seeking to modernise the credit entry scorecard checkout counter cognitive operation at businesses crosswise the country could significantly wallop the cassino and hospitality industries, so say financial analysts. US Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) inwards June led a chemical group of bipartizan lawmakers inward introducing the Credit Card Competition…